
Gaza war to lead victory of Palestinians, uniting Resistance

Referring to the impact of the Gaza war on the region, Major General Yahya Rahim Safavi stated that despite the deep impact of Zionist bombing on the region, this war eventually led to the victory of the Palestinians.

Gaza war to lead victory of Palestinians, uniting Resistance

MEHR: Referring to the impact of the Gaza war on the region, Major General Yahya Rahim Safavi stated that despite the deep impact of Zionist bombing on the region, this war eventually led to the victory of the Palestinians.

Major General Yahya Rahim Safavi,  a senior military advisor to the Leader of the Islamic Revolution,  stated that the presence of naval powers of Iran's military forces in the high seas guarantees the country's commercial and energy transit, pointing out that technological paradigms influence the current and future battle scenes in the military fields.

He added that promoting Iran's national and transnational power and geopolitical and geoeconomic ability would be possible with the political, economic, and military presence in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, BRICS, and other regional and international agreements.

Emphasizing that Iran should take advantage of the opportunity to have an influential presence in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and BRICS, the Leader's advisor said Iran should promote its role in regional and international organizations.

Major General Safavi pointed out the effect of the Gaza war on the Resistance Axis, stating that this war with the continuous bombings of the Zionist regime would leave a profound impact on this region but eventually would lead to the victory of the Palestinians and unite Resistance Front and its member countries more than before.